Au Pair Profil von Sofía

Angaben zur eigenen Person

Vorname Sofía
Geschlecht Female
Nationalität British and Mexican
Geburtsort Celaya, Mexico
Geburtsdatum 26. Juni 2002
Alter 19
Wohnort Abergele
Land England
Größe in CM 1.68
Gewicht in KG 45

Angaben zu Ihrer Familie

Name des Vaters Guillermo González Alatorre
Beruf University Lecturer
Alter 60
Name der Mutter Shona Lea Alison Williams
Beruf House wive
Alter 54
Anzahl Geschwister 1
Erzählen Sie uns von Ihren Geschwistern I have a 24 year old sister, who graduated last year from Clinical biochemistry. She has a 8 month old baby called Robin, which I absolutely adore! She no longer lives with us, but it is nice to have her back in the house.

Weitere persönliche Angaben

Leben Sie bei Ihren Eltern? Ja
Unterstützen Ihre Eltern Sie dabei, Au Pair zu werden? Ja
Haben Sie Freunde oder Familie im Zielland? Ja
Wer und wo?

Emilia Benner and family in Freiburg, Nicolás Seitz in Freiburg, Liv Krauter in Freiburg, and Julia Moreno in Wiesbaden

Waren Sie schon mal mehr als 4 Wochen von zu Hause weg? Ja
Wo, warum und wie lange? In the summer before COVID, I went to Freiburg, Germany, to visit all my friends from my childhood. It was a lovely experience were I both became independent and got back to my roots.
Familienstand Ledig
Haben Sie eigene Kinder? Nein


Haben Sie Allergien? Nein
Rauchen Sie? Nein
Gibt es Vorerkrankungen bzw. haben Sie chronische Krankheiten? Nein


Welcher Religion gehören Sie an? Keiner
Ist Ihnen Ihre Religion wichtig?


Essen Sie Fleisch? Ja
Essen Sie Fisch? Ja
Trinken Sie Alkohol? Ja
Müssen Sie eine bestimmte Diät einhalten? Nein

Berufliche Ausbildung & Arbeit

Schule: University of Celaya (Highschool)
Von: August, 2018
Bis: August, 2021
Derzeitiger Arbeitgeber: Cargolet kindergarden
Job Titel: Teaching assistant
Von: July, 2021
Bis: August, 2021


Bewerte Deine Persönlichkeit von 0 = gar nicht bis 10 = sehr

Unsportlich (1) -> sehr Aktiv/Sportlich (10) 9 von 10
Unorganisiert (1) -> sehr Organisiert (10) 9 von 10
Unpünktlich (1) -> immer Pünktlich (10) 9 von 10
Ruhig (1) –> Kommunikativ (10) 9 von 10
Schüchtern (1) –> Kontaktfreudig (10) 9 von 10
Unordentlich (1) –> Ordentlich (10) 9 von 10
Ernst (1) –> Humorvoll / Fröhlich (10) 9 von 10
Ungeduldig (1) –> Geduldig (10) 9 von 10
Wie kreativ / fantasievoll sind Sie? 9 von 10


Können Sie Deutsch?

Deutsch sprechen Wenig
Deutsch verstehen Medium
Deutsch lesen Wenig
Wo haben Sie Deutsch gelernt? I lived in Germany for two years when I turned 10 years old.
Welche Deutsch-Zertifikate haben Sie und welche Deutschkurse haben Sie besucht? None.
Welches Deutsch-Niveau möchten Sie in Ihrer Zeit als Au Pair erreichen? B2-C1
Warum lernen Sie Deutsch? Was möchten Sie mit dem erreichtem Sprachniveau machen? I plan on studying in Freiburg, Germany, Environmental and Sustainable Sciences.

Können Sie Englisch?

Englisch sprechen Fließend
Englisch verstehen Fließend
Englisch Lesen Fließend
Wo haben Sie Englisch gelernt? My mum brought me up speaking in English.
Welche Englisch-Zertifikate haben Sie? None.

Können Sie Spanisch?

Spanisch sprechen Fließend
Spanisch verstehen Fließend
Spanisch Lesen Fließend
Wo haben Sie Spanisch gelernt? I was brought up in Mexico.
Welche Spanisch-Zertifikate haben Sie? None.


Können Sie Fahrrad fahren? Gut
Können Sie schwimmen? Gut
Können Sie reiten? Gar nicht
Welchen Sport treiben Sie regelmäßig? Yes.
Welche Instrumente spielen Sie? Piano and cello.
Andere Hobbies? I consider myself a person with many hobbies and interests, however,
The strongest interest I have is music. I am a piano player since 7 years of age, and a cello player since the age of 11. I have always loved playing classical music; it lets my mind rest and transports me to another world. At age 13, I entered the Conservatoire of Celaya, and studied music profesionally. I played in an children’s orquestra for three years and became first cellist for the last year and a half. After that, I did a three year Diploma in Instrument and Singing, which I just only graduated from on June, specialising in piano.
I also love visual art in all its forms. I enjoy greatly painting with acrylics, pastels, watercolours and coloured pencils, even though I consider myself best in pastels! I also like analysing art, and enjoy greatly from learning from the paintings and their intentions. I appreciate all sorts of art, however, my favourite is mexican! (I wrote my IB Extended Essay on one of Diego Rivera’s mural and got an A!)
I also really enjoy running (distances of 5km-10km), and hiking in nature! I like anything that has to do with the environment! I plan on studying Ecology and Sustainability, or Engineering in Sustainable Development next year!
Another thing which I enjoy a lot is spending time with friends and meeting people! I love going to reunions, or restaurants, and having fun. Achieving a work-life balance is fundamental for me.


Haben Sie einen Führerschein? Ja
Seit wann? 12th February, 2021
Fahren Sie regelmäßig? Jeden Tag
Automatik oder Gangschaltung? Beides
Welches Auto (Marke) fahren Sie derzeit? Voltwagen Tiguan and Jetta.
Würden Sie das Auto der Gastfamilie fahren? Ja


Mögen Sie Katzen? Ja
Haben Sie schon mal eine Katzentoilette gereinigt? Ja
Würden Sie eine Katzentoilette reinigen? Ja
Mögen Sie Hunde? Ja
Waren Sie schon mal mit einem Hund spazieren? Ja
Würden Sie mit dem Hund der Gastfamilie spazieren gehen? Ja
Mögen Sie Pferde? Ja
Mögen Sie Kleintiere (z.B. Hasen)? Ja
Würden Sie sich um die Haustiere der Gastfamilie kümmern? Ja
Haben Sie Haustieren? Ja
Welche? My little zoo is probably the most fun part of my house, and my favourite. All my pets are rescued strays, and my family and I love them just the same as we love each other. Luna and Güera were are first two dogs, rescued from a supermarket and a street behind our house. They are the ‚leaders and wise‘ pets of the house. Buga is our third dog; I only rescued him two years ago from an abandoned factory next to a highway. He’s my favourite, and the best dog in the world, even though he looks a bit like a wolf. However, my dogs aren’t the only spoiled animals; we also have Tito, which I rescued from my school, and Botas, who arrived at our house long ago. All of my animals have a very special place in my heart, and even though they keep us busy, our life wouldn’t be nearly as nice as it is with them in our house.

Erfahrungen als Au Pair

Waren Sie schon mal Au Pair? Nein
Haben Sie einen Erste Hilfe Kurs besucht? Ja
Wo Red Cross, Celaya, Mexico
Wann? November, 2020

Erfahrungen mit Kinderbetreuung

Wie viel Erfahrung haben Sie in der Betreuung von Kindern…

… Babies (0-1 Jahre alt): wenig
… Kleinkinder (1-5 Jahre alt): medium
… Kinder (6-12 Jahre alt): viel
… Teenager (13+): medium

Welche Erfahrung haben Sie mit…

…um Babies kümmern: wenig
…Kinder umziehen: keine
…bei den Hausaufgaben helfen: medium
…Kindern vorlesen: medium
…Basteln: viel
…Babies füttern: medium
…Mahlzeiten zubereiten: medium
…ins Bett bringen: keine
Haben Sie Erfahrung in der Betreuung von behinderten Kindern? Nein
Wo und wann haben Sie Kinder betreut? I would separate my childcare experience in principally two: babysitting and summer-courses. In both, I have had great experiences.
I have worked as a babysitter for two years now, with a strong growth in the last few months dew to COVID waves going down. Beforehand, I had started taking care of my mum’s friends two sons of ages 6 and 8. I had a great experience with them. They would either be dropped off at my house or I would go to stay at theirs.
Once I finished school and COVID went down, I continued as a babysitter with my neighbours as well. I am currently taking care of three children, of ages 3 and 5, and giving them brief English classes which consist of me showing them new words (such as animals, etc.), and speaking to them in English.
I am also currently working in a three week, 8 hour/day, summer-course. I am the main teachers assistant, and we have 18 children of ages 5-6. I am completely loving the experience, and starting next week, I will be handling the class principally by me and a helper. We do sports activities, crafts and games.
Both experiences have helped me grown immensely and have given me loads of experience with working with children of all kind. I always have great fun with them, I love listening to their wonderful ideas and curious thoughts. I find it hilarious when they have no filter whatsoever to tell you things. (One of my girls in class told me yesterday that when she’s older, she’s going to have crooked teeth just like me! I hadn’t laughed so much in a long time!)
I like seeing their behaviours and ways of seeing life. I find it so interesting that from a young age, one can already tell how their personality is going to be like when they are older.
Overall, what I enjoy most of working with children is getting to know their lovely and unique ways of seeing the world. They bring me great joy and fun! I’m excited to start my work!

Erfahrung im Haushalt

Kochen medium
Haben Sie einen Elektro- oder einen Gasherd? Gasherd
Wie oft kochen Sie mit einem Elektroherd? jeden Tag
Wie oft benutzen Sie die Mikrowelle? jeden Tag
Wann haben Sie kochen gelernt? My mum encouraged me to cook from a young age.
Wo haben Sie kochen gelernt? At home.
Backen viel
Putzen viel
Wie oft verwenden Sie einen Staubsauger? Neue Option
Wie oft verwenden Sie eine Geschirrspüle? Neue Option
Wäsche viel
Wie oft verwenden Sie eine Waschmaschine? Neue Option
Wie oft verwenden Sie einen Trockner? Neue Option
Bügeln medium
Gärtnern medium
Einkaufen medium

Wünsche an die Gastfamilie

Babies (0-1 Jahre): am wenigsten
Kleinkinder (1-5 Jahre alt): gerne
Kinder (6-12 Jahre alt): erste Wahl
Teenager (13+): nicht so gerne
Um wie viele Kinder würden Sie sich gleichzeitig kümmern? 2
Können Sie sich eigenständig um Kinder kümmern? Ja
Würden Sie bei einer alleinerziehenden Mutter bleiben? Nein
Würden Sie bei einem alleinerziehenden Vater bleiben? Nein
Große Stadt gerne
Kleinstadt/Dorf viel
In welchen Ländern wären Sie gerne Au Pair? Deutschland
Würden Sie sich um behinderte Kinder kümmern? Nein
Frühester Begin: 6. September 2021
Dauer des gewünschten Aufenthaltes (Monate): 12


Können Sie die Anreise selber bezahlen? Ja

Brief an die Gastfamilie

Hello! My name is Sofía González Williams, I am 19 years old, and I consider myself a fun, outgoing person. I like to think of myself as someone open hearted, trustworthy and hard working. I love trying my best in everything that I do, and helping those in need. I’m not shy of trying new things, adventure calls me!

I am currently living in my home town, Celaya, Mexico; a lovely city because of its people, climate and delicious food! The situation can be a bit complicated due to lack of personal safety, but my family and I make the best of living here, with our due precautions. We live in a lovely house (¡Mi casa es tu casa!), in a very nice and green golf course. In this house, my dad, mum, four dogs and two cats live together with me. It may sound chaotic, but it is ideal. I have a 24 year old sister and my parents and I love it when my sister and her fiancé come over to visit with my 8 month niece! We adore spending time with her, she is funny, sweet, and very energetic.
My niece Robin has a very special place in my heart, and we have a nice bond together. The same goes with my mum; we may be very different in our ways of thinking, but that just makes our talks fun and interesting. She understands me greatly in my passions and has always supported my goals in life. She is from England, and my dad from Mexico. He is more similar to me, we are both determined and have strong characters. Since a young age, he has been an inspiration for me to always try my best and work hard. However, in personality, we are very different. I am more of an outgoing person who loves to be out meeting people, and he is more reserved, like my sister. Because of this, I am not as close to either of them, compared to my mum; however, we know that we are always there to support each other.
My little zoo is probably the most fun part of my house, and my favourite. All my pets are rescued strays, and my family and I love them just the same as we love each other. Luna and Güera were are first two dogs, rescued from a supermarket and a street behind our house. They are the ‚leaders and wise‘ pets of the house. Buga is our third dog; I only rescued him two years ago from an abandoned factory next to a highway. He’s my favourite, and the best dog in the world, even though he looks a bit like a wolf. And the fourth dog is my sisters, Mabel, who she often leaves her with me so I can pamper her. However, my dogs aren’t the only spoiled animals; we also have Tito, a cat I rescued from my school, and Botas, who arrived at our house long ago. All of my animals have a very special place in my heart, and even though they keep us busy, our life wouldn’t be nearly as nice as it is with them in our house.

I consider myself a person with many hobbies and interests.
The strongest interest I have is music. I have played the piano since I was 7 years old, and the cello since the age of 11. I have always loved playing classical music; it lets my mind rest and transports me to another world. At age 13, I entered the Conservatoire of Celaya, and studied music professionally. I played in a children’s orchestra for three years and became first cellist for the last year. After that, I did a three year Diploma in Instrument and Singing, which I just only graduated from on June, specialising in piano.
I also love visual art in all its forms. I enjoy greatly painting with acrylics, pastels, watercolours and coloured pencils, even though I consider myself best in pastels! I also like analysing art, and love learning from the paintings and their intentions. I appreciate all sorts of art, however, my favourite is Mexican! (I wrote my IB Extended Essay on one of Diego Rivera’s mural and got an A)
I also really enjoy running (distances of 5km-10km), and hiking in nature. I like anything that has to do with the environment. I plan on studying Ecology and Sustainability, or Sustainable Development Engineering next year in Freiburg, Germany!
Another thing which I enjoy a lot is spending time with friends and meeting people! I love going to get togethers, or restaurants, and having fun. Achieving a work-life balance is fundamental for me.

I have always enjoyed having fun and spending time with children! I love their sincerity and ways of looking at life.
When the pandemic hit and continued for months on end , I knew for sure I did not want to do college online, as doing high school online was an absolute nightmare. As things only got worse with COVID, in February I decided I was not going to rush into university, but work for a year, get to know people, travel and have a break from the tough year I had had.
When thinking what I wanted to work in, I knew I wanted to do something I would enjoy! Therefore, working as an Au Pair was the best option. I was so pleased with the decision because of the many advantages the Au Pair has. I would be working with children, which I love and have great fun with; I would meet many people, travel, and learn more of my second culture, from England.

I would separate my childcare experience in principally two: babysitting and summer-courses. In both, I have had a great time.
I have worked as a babysitter for three to four years now, but due to COVID it had to stop for a year. Beforehand, I had started taking care of my mum’s friend’s two sons from ages 6 and 8, till 10 and 12. I had a great experience with them, as mentioned beforehand.
Once I finished school and COVID went down, I continued as a babysitter with my neighbours as well. I am currently taking care of three children, of ages 3 and 5, and giving them brief English classes which consist of me showing them new words (such as animals, etc.), and speaking to them in English.
I am also currently working in a three week, 8 hour/day, summer-course. I am the main teacher’s assistant, and we have 17 children aged 5-6. I am completely loving the experience, and starting next week, I will be handling the class mainly by myself with one helper. We do sports activities, crafts and games.
Both experiences have helped me grow immensely and have given me loads of experience working with children of all types. I always have great fun with them, I love listening to their wonderful ideas and curious thoughts. I find it hilarious when they have no filter whatsoever to tell you things. (One of my girls in class told me yesterday that when she’s older, she’s going to have crooked teeth just like me! I hadn’t laughed so much in a long time!)
I like seeing their behaviours and ways of seeing life. I find it so interesting that from a young age, one can already tell how their personality is going to be when they are older.
Overall, what I enjoy most working with children is getting to know their optimistic and unique ways of seeing the world. They bring me great joy and fun! I’m excited about starting a new job!

I’m looking for a kind, respectful and happy family who is excited to share their culture with me and eager to get to know my own. I would love an outgoing family, who love to travel, meet people, or just have a lovely time at home! I want to be seen as an extension of the family, not just as a person who is taking care of your children. I would love to be integrated in the family and have great fun together. As mentioned before, respect is fundamental; I’m looking for a family who respects my working time, pay and person.

My future plans are to go to University, and study either Liberal Arts and Sciences, with a major in Environmental and Sustainability Sciences in Freiburg, or Sustainable Development Engineering in Mexico. Both options are great! My goals in life are to help the environment, while having a great time, travelling, meeting people and continually learning more about the world about us.


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